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Read or download Garrard GT 20 1 GT 25P 1 GT 35P 1 Owners Manual PDF with 6 pages. No login, no charge and no limit. Not on GT 35P. 2 Locate the turntable disc centrally on the drum and fit the rubber mat. 3(a) If there is a cartridge in the pickup head. Garrard ® GT-35 & GT-35P TurntableService Manual copy. Parts lists & schematics. Not a photo copy but aNew high-qualitylaser print. Below you will find the Garrard GT-35. The service manual functions as a repair guide for troubleshooting and sometimes contains tips for refurbishing and Garrard Belt Drive Turntables Garrard GT35 owners manual, service manuals and schematics are for reference only and the Vinyl Engine bears no responsibility AUDIO - SERVICE MANUAL. Type: (PDF) Looking for other manual? GARRARD GT-35P RECORD CHANGING TURNTABLE VALTOS GT35P GT 35 GT-35-P. 5 pin DIN cable available if required.1980s Garrard GT-35P semi-auto turntable, Semi-auto: Turning On knob switches motor on, cueing is manual.
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